December 2, 2009

The Whole Glasses As Fetish Thing

I’ve always, always flatly refused to wear my glasses. If you’ve ever seen me in my glasses consider yourself lucky. From the first hideous pair in middle school to one supposedly fashionable frame after another to the pair from the men’s section that I finally settled on in my 20s, the eyeglasses game has historically been a place to strike out. Unless you were a nerd.

I roamed the streets half-blind until 2001 when I finally found soft contacts that were easy and cheap enough to wear. I got my Matsudas around then, feeling foolish at the time because they were $400 but since I’m still wearing them (mostly at home, alone, after dark) they turned out to be actually quite a good deal.

Then something strange happened. All the kids started to wear glasses, trying to look hip or smart or both. I didn’t buy it—which brings me to the thing that irritates me most about glasses. The people who wear them as an accessory to try and look intellectual. Like a poseur. Which is why I still refuse to wear glasses in public—I don’t have anything to prove. Also, I’ve always just loved the look of glasses atop the head.

The one good thing about the trendiness of glasses is that frames are now really inexpensive (the Shanghai Tangs pictured at left that I’m eyeing are going to be about $130 complete). Recently I realized that wearing glasses in an unassuming way can be hot, and that there’s a fairly high fetish factor among men for women who wear glasses. Guys constantly tell me that it’s intellectual women who turn them on, not the bimbo from the plastic mold, who wears too much makeup and comes on too strong.

It remains to be seen if I’ll wear my glasses for real. Subtlety is an art. Although I’m tempted to put them on to turn you on, whether it’s a smart girl fetish, a nerd fetish, a sex fetish or whatever, only time will tell if I’m ready and willing to play the part.

See you In the Stacks.—Michelle