I have a confession to make. I’ve been working on writing Skylar Saffron, Librarian Detective for more than nine years. That seems like a really long time! But it shows that I’m really dedicated and when I believe in something I don’t give up.
(It’s important to note that Librarian Detective was at one time book #2, but now is book #5 in my bibliography (MayDayYA is #6). So I was at work).
Switching from writing longhand to writing using computer keys is working, but not necessarily making the work easier to produce. I’m still using story maps, outlines, calendars, and lists (see picture) and whereas I used to print them out, now I just have 4-5 windows open on my computer. (Use Scrivener? I know, I know).
It’s flowing, though. I write scenes every other day, which is also a part of my plan to spread writing work throughout other work, as a meditative exercise that enhances all areas of my creative life and business. For the past 5 weeks, I’ve been averaging 1K words a week. Being consumed by writing 6 days a week, 8+ hours a day (like I was while writing my first three books) was too isolating, and coming down from that level of concentration took too much.
Plus I have another little plan, something else I’m doing to motivate me—every creative should have their own personal sources of inspiration.
Since writing my last book in 2012-13, I’ve also improved my overall state of mind, and in doing so discovered that the perceived security I thought I needed while writing my earlier novels isn’t necessary. There’s no such thing as security, it’s all an illusion. Anything can disappear at anytime, which is why we must do what we love today (which for me is writing stories or helping them be discovered).
Just do what you love, #booklover.
Read Part 1 of Skylar Saffron at LibrarianDetective.com or buy on Amazon, GooglePlay, Smashwords and Apple.